Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Abstract Thinking: Read Through My Blogs if You Need to Understand Me

I need a resolution to the ethics of cultural contact such that echelon can handle the impacts of a competence explosion on the labor requirements of global society.

Although I have found cases of labor making rational suggestions to increase efficiency while seeking evidence for my global society (quality of life) argument a few months ago, we require a theoretical resolution of the complications of de facto value in the context of providence. Once such abstractions are complete, we can communicate it using symbols to express optimal social conduct for the creation of broader horizons. People are very trainable if you can get them to comply with mind-enhancing programs; although TV has also caused a lot of collateral damage to society, we can inexpensively provide nutritional and memetic supplementation to make them more open to our messages and less likely to commit stupid behavior.

In the case the shit hits the fan, I want to seriously be groomed to function as a military scientist. I really wish upper echelon would train some peops to provide a good community in a nutritionally accomadating bunker kept to specs. I'm a kid who needs guidance (and would appreciate instruction besides resources).

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